Sunday, October 5, 2014

Are you OKAY with being YOURSELF?

It is time for girl talk and the topic is: Are you okay with being you? I am reading a book about how to live a kick ass life and it got me thinking. One thing in particular is how people view or question me about how  i choose to wear my hair.I grew up with a mother who was a nurse and cosmetologist, she has always been very versatile with her hair. She would have short hair one minute and long hair the next, it may be black today and blonde tomorrow. She always expressed to me that hair was an accessory and that it is ok to change it as much as you like.Currently I cut off my hair and I am rocking the cutest short cut. Yes, I am still natural, you don't have to perm your hair just because you cut it short. This photo is of a style I got a few weeks ago.

 This weekend I got some length cut off because it was to long and very hard to maintain. Being short is nothing new to me, when I went off to college many years ago I cut all of my hair off and wore it short for roughly 4 years. I went natural and grew my hair out and recently cut it because I wanted something new and fresh. I got criticized for cutting my hair because I had been growing it out and people could not understand why I would want to cut it off. Honestly, I have missed my hair short I just didn't cut it because of the fear of cutting it and missing it. To tell you the truth I MISS MY LONG HAIR!!! I look at the pic below and think I want my long hair back.

In reality I don't miss my natural hair being long I just miss wearing a good weave. And you know what I realized about myself.... stop living or giving a shit what anyone thinks about how you should look or how I should wear my hair. The great thing about cutting my hair is when I feel like wearing it short I can and when I feel like wearing it long I can. I have the best of both worlds and I refuse to apologize for it. Yes, I will be getting a weave this winter and yes I will be wearing it short because I have the ability to do so and I look great either way. I learned that I am a person who gets bored easily and I need the ability to be versatile and have different looks. I have always been that way and I always will be!

Confidence- is about believing in yourself 
Self esteem- is about believing in your worth

Ladies, it is time that we start having a positive self esteem and confidence towards ourselves. It is time to be comfortable in the skin you are in and accept the things that make you, you! I know it can sometimes be easier said than done. We are forever evolving, constantly working on being a better person and loving who you are wholeheartedly. I am learning to be ok with Me. It is actually liberating to be exactly who you want and loving it. Don't let society, family or friends depict who you are or what makes you, you. 

Be the best you, you know how to be and then some. I plan on being madly in love with myself, only I know how to love me exactly how I need to be loved.It is time to look to myself for that love and not expect to receive it from anyone else. 

So are you ok with being yourself? Do you struggle with doing what you love because of what others say? 
Lets chat leave your comments in the comment section below!

Until next time folks,