Uhhhhhh NO!!!! Well in my eyes you should never say harsh and foul things to your lover because in that one moment you are going to say something one day that your mate will NEVER forget! That harsh and unforgettable statement will crush your lovers heart and they will hold it against you for the rest of your life.
*** OK, I can hold a grudge...for a really long time.lol
I'm a hopeless romantic and when I think of love I think the opposite of Tina Turners " What's love but a second hand emotion" I think of love as our life line, loving someone is what comes most natural to us. And when it comes to falling in love with that special someone ...
My sentiments exactly!!! When arguing with your mate these emotions don't go away, or do they? When you say the most unthinkable comments to break down your mates spirit does that really equate love??? Are you really showing your love by intentionally hurting your mate?
My thoughts...If you "LOVE" me you would never intentionally say things that would crush my spirit, dig at my insecurities, taunt my biggest fears and question my love for you. I am aware and a victim of sometimes saying things during an argument that I later apologize for because it may have been inappropriate but I have never went for the juggler. I would never want to hurt my mate, my lover, best friend, confidant, my boo-thang.
Proving that you love me is being able to be angry with me and still guard my feelings in the process. Knowing that I am vulnerable and that you would never use any of my vices against me in order to win a fight. Loving me past my error and accepting me as I am.
Giving up on your mate is losing consciousness and allowing yourself to demean and crush the one you love. Through adversity and tests that are presented in relationships, as a unit your responsibility is to work through the pain and accept each situation as it is. In arguments you win some and you lose some but to disrespect and give up on your mate by saying the unthinkable is unfair.
After an argument where your mate has spun out of control, lost consciousness and said the unthinkable what do you do?
In that moment you realize how fast love can turn to hate, and if you are willing to give up or fight for what you two share.
One part of you wants to say fuck off, and keep it moving with your life but that other half of your heart is saying I Love Him!!! Which side of the heart do you compromise...
Love is a tricky thing, at one moment they are the love of your life and they complete you, they are everything you dreamed in a man or a woman and are the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Until that moment when love has been deceived by that very person, and your thoughts of them change forever.
The deciding factor is time, deciding if this is really the person you want as a mate, and will you be able to forgive that unforgivable comment...IN THAT MOMENT???
Are you able to revive a relationship after the unthinkable was said IN THAT TRAGIC MOMENT?
feel free to comment below:
Thanks for reading!!!
Great post. we all need to be mindful of the words we use in anger in dealing with ALL relationships- even friendships.